Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rainbow Birthday Cake


 Part of throwing a party in our house is making a cake.  It's a hobby of mine, and the girls really enjoy it too.  I had a design in my head and decided to look online to see if anyone had done anything similar.  It was basically going to be a bunch of rainbow tessellations going up the cake.  However, I saw this design on the Party Wagon and just had to do it. Make sure you also check out the final results of our Rainbow Party.
The first step of course is baking.  The kids love to help with this party.  Please see our favorite white cake "White Velvet Cake" and my "Cake Making 101" tutorial.  I simply added food coloring to a white cake batter. 
The next step is to frost.  You can see my level on top. I like to use a lever anyway, but I found it really helpful with such a tall cake.  While I was frosting, the girls had their own cake making Play-Doh set out.  I also had to color all of my fondant the rainbow colors. 
The final step was to decorate.  The big trick here was a Christmas gift from my wonderful husband...the clay extruder.  It is actually a tool used for clay, but it really works great for fondant.  It made this job fairly easy. It has a bunch of different discs that slip on the end so you can extrude different shapes. Great tool! I also need to say that I wanted to decorate during nap time.  Abby really doesn't nap much anymore, but sometimes she falls asleep during her quiet time.  I was pretty disappointed when she came waltzing into the room.  However, I invited her to join in, and she actually probably ended up cutting my job in half.  She would roll out the fondant to fit into the extruder.  She'd also help clean out the extruder after every color.  It was really helpful, and I ended up being absolutely thrilled that she was there to help me.  The design is fairly simple if you have this tool.  Just extrude the snakes and layer onto the cake.  Roll out fondant balls to put on top...or you can throw a bunch of gumballs on top for a bit of whimsy.  

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Does time away from kids makes you a better mom

I just read an article by Kristen Chase at about spending time away from kids and how this might make you a better mom.. I kind of agree with the article..

I look back at all the craziness of being with them 24-7 and I can't even remember the coolest moments because they are all jumbled together. Thank goodness for pictures, though I honestly didn't even take much of those.
Because we were always together and my husband traveled so much, I spent a lot of my time wanting a break, a little peace and quiet, some respite from what was an extremely challenging and lonely existence for me.
For much of their babydom, I was struggling to keep everything together, and between my own hobby turned work plus keeping the house clean, it was so hectic, so much so that I honestly don't have as many memories of their first years as I would have hoped.
Now that I have a regular work schedule, with older kids in school and my youngest with a sitter for part of the day, I get time to myself -- to work, to run, to breathe -- and so when I get home with them, in the afternoons and evenings, heck even the mornings before school, my attention is solely on them.
And those times they have with me now, which would be less total time together before when I wasn't working, is quality time. Memorable time.
I realize that not everyone can work when they have babies, and that for lots of people, the grass is always greener; maybe if I had worked more, I would be pining to be with them. But I can say that in not being with my kids every minute of the day, it's made me much more appreciative for the time we do have together. And it's allowed me to be a better parent, which is what they need and deserve. Too bad I didn't know this when my kids were babies.

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Baby strollers

I just saw a lovely baby stroller in "6 best baby strollers" article over at It's the
Baby Jogger City Versa Pushchair.

I'm quoting from their site:

Unique and multi-functional, this is a stand-out buggy for stylish and active parents. John Lewis says: "The Baby Jogger City Versa offers parents the option of strolling with little ones facing them or looking out as the world goes by. With a patented quick fold, parents can fold their pushchair with one hand regardless of whether the seat is facing to the front or back.
"The ultra compact fold and quick release wheels also make storage a breeze. You'll also find adjustable handlebars, a hand operated parking brake, a seat back storage compartment and a large under-seat storage basket to make trips out and about comfortable and convenient. The 8" front swivel wheels are designed for urban terrain as they'll let you move with precision and the small size makes them ideal for transportation. What's more, you can lock them in place for long distance strolling.
"Little ones are assured a comfy ride with a padded seat with multi-position recline, whether front or rear facing. The all-wheel suspension ensures a smooth ride regardless of the terrain. The multi-position footwell tilt adds leg support for younger children and the large multi-position sun canopy will keep them happy in sunny weather."

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Must have stroller accessories

There's an article in called "6 Innovative Stroller Accessories". What I particularly liked  was the Jeep Universal Stroller Hook which I definitely must buy because our stroller doesn't have any hooks at all for shopping bugs.

and the J.L. Childress Cups 'N Cargo Stroller Organizer which I also have to get for sure because I always put my phone/wallet/keys on a shallow pocket on the stroller and they keep falling!

Check out the whole list here:
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Yoga for hyper-active kids

Bangalore: Yoga is no longer only a traditional fitness workout. The age-old exercise has now entered schools too.

Several schools, irrespective of the curriculum they follow, have created space for the science of fitness in their busy timetable. While some have included yoga in their curricula, others are organizing sessions at regular intervals. Schools say this has helped increase children's concentration level.

"Yoga classes are part of my school's curriculum now. Sessions are organized twice every week and each class is of 40 minutes duration. Children are taught by a qualified trainer. These sessions begin from class II and go on till class X. For younger kids, we have basic asanas, whereas children from higher classes are given breathing exercises and other postures," says Nigar Sultana, principal, Cambridge Public School.

Nigar says: "I decided to impart the goodness of yoga to kids after reaping its benefits myself. It boosts the concentration level and I have had cases of naughty kids who started concentrating in class after these sessions.".

The city schools have also come up with 'specialization' in yoga like other sports.

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Friday, January 4, 2013

Baby grabs doctor's finger from inside mom's belly

This image is all over the internet. It shows a baby sticking out from it's mommy's belly during a surgical procedure and grabbing the doctor's finger. Pretty amazing photo.

Read the story behind the photo here:
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Christmas gifts ideas

This is an awesome christmas gift guide from OlliElla website and I really loved the bean bag but the tangering color.

Check out the gift guide here:

and the tangering bean bag here:

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Beautiful gifts for babies and kids and Red Dot Tiny Toms

I checked this gift guide for babies and kids and what i loved more is the Tiny Toms! So I headed over to their site and found an even more adorable pair for girls. The red dot Tiny Toms which I have to buy for my kiddo :

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Kids Star Wars Characters


Maryland, US-based group Octopus Tree House recreated the well known Star Wars characters as cute, innocent kids. This series, containing 6 different characters are available via etsy and contain the following prints: Darth Vader trying to set fire to droids with his magnifying glass in a front yard; a Bounty Hunter attending a birthday party; Darth Sidious attending a pool party; Jabba the Hutt going to the carnival; Tusken Raider Hunter URoRRuR’R'R celebrating and the Wampa getting a sick day off; 

See the rest of the characters here:
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Postpartum things you forgot about

1. Giant underwear, ice packs and maxi pads the size of diapers. All worn together. To be fair, I did remember the giant underwear. But I had forgotten that they came paired with ice packs, humoungous pads and, er, a lot of blood. Put all that together and I felt like I had a 5 lb. dumbbell in my pants. (Had I remembered this I would have never packed lycra yoga pants to lounge in in the hospital. They were way too tight and I looked like a toddler with areally wet diaper.)

2. The Peri bottle 
-you know, that plastic squirt bottle that always dispenses freezing cold water on your hooha? I would faithfully fill it with hot water after each bathroom trip so it would be ready for my next visit. And it would faithfully turn ice cold by the time I needed it. Brrrrrrrrrrrr!
3. Your period - With my first two kiddos, my period didn’t return for eight months. Since I’m breastfeeding, I assumed the same would be true this time. I had forgotten that Mother Nature sometimes sees fit to bless us early. Like at 4 weeks. And then again at 6 weeks. Yep — I’ve had a period twice already and my kid isn’t even two months old. Awesome.
4. Idle time while nursing - Shoot, I forgot how much time I would spend sitting on the couch/bed/chair doing absolutely nothing. Nothing and more nothing. I’m actually kind of enjoying this part of it — with two other kiddos quiet time is rare (and I’ve blown through about 15 books on my Kindle!)
5. The hissing breast pump - I swear my electric breast pump talks to me — more like hisses at me — while I’m pumping. It whispers all sorts of strange things that make no sense, making me feel like I’m hallucinating at all hours of the day and night.
6. The black line - the linea nigra as it’s technically known, but it sure is ugly. Not that my stomach has returned to a normal size, the blackness has really contracted and the line is dark. I don’t mind it, but I’d forgotten how unattractive it is!
7. Sleep - This seems ridiculous since everyone knows new moms are sleep deprived, but I had truly forgotten the extent to which I’d be completely exhausted. Meaning I can fall asleep within two seconds of hitting a pillow. Or a sweatshirt. Or a hard piece of concrete. I choose sleep over every other activity, including eating, which is a first for me.

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Why is your baby crying?

Waaaaaaaaah! A scream pierces the quiet in the house. Is it something urgent? Or can you finish doing the dishes before you wander in to check on the baby, who maybe will calm himself down in the meantime?

That’s what every new parent asks him or herself when an infant cries. There’s some perfect balance between teaching baby to self soothe and ignoring his needs, between responding when baby needs you and overreacting to every little noise. Finding that balance, now, is a lot harder than it would seem.

Experienced moms always claim they can tell the difference between different types of baby cries. But when I was a new mom, I found I had no idea how to tell one from the other. The slightest cry would send me into a panic: SHE NEEDS ME! Well, maybe. Or maybe not. If I’d been able to tell when she really did, things would have been a lot more serene.

And so, with the help of baby expert Amy Spangler, president of, we asked how, exactly an infant’s cries differ from each other. She says the question’s a bit of a red herring (“watch for cues, not for cries; crying is a late signal for many forms of baby distress”) but that some cries are pretty distinct. Here’s her take on what your baby is saying with her cries.

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Safe sleeping tips for baby

Don’t bring the baby into your bed if you or your partner smokes. The research associating cigarette smoke exposure and SIDS is strong. Amazingly, even if you or your partner only smokes outdoors and never around the baby, there are still enough harmful chemicals in a smoker’s exhaled breath to increase a baby’s risk.

Do use a fan in the room where your baby sleeps. A 2008 study found that having a fan in baby’s bedroom reduces the risk of SIDS by a whopping 72 percent. And as you’ve no doubt already heard, put your baby to sleep on her back, not her stomach.
Don’t let baby sleep in a bouncy seat or swing unless you’re awake. Swing- and bouncy-seat straps and padding can create suffocation and entrapment hazards.

If your baby sleeps best in her car seat that’s okay, just be sure to put the car seat on a stable surface like the floor or in the crib  and not on an elevated surface like a table, countertop, chair or washing machine.

Don’t bring your baby into bed if you or your partner has been drinking or taking sedating medications, or if you’re a heavy sleeper. If your partner is the heavy sleeper, put the baby on your side of the bed and use a bed rail to prevent roll-off.
Unless you’re positive you will never, ever let your baby into the adult bed, be sure to give your bed a thorough check for entrapment hazards. Gaps between the mattress and headboard or between the bed and nightstand or wall can create places for your baby’s head to get wedged if she rolls off. The safest parent bed is a mattress or futon on the floor and no bed frame.

Don’t leave a baby alone in an adult bed. Even newborns can scoot themselves off if they wake up and discover mom isn’t there.
Don’t use a baby sleep positioner in a crib, bassinet or adult bed. They can create pockets of exhaled air, a suffocation hazard.

Ban the fluff. Plushy crib bumpers, pillows, quilts and stuffed animals can also create dangerous carbon dioxide pockets and suffocation hazards, so keep them out of baby’s sleep area. Dress the baby in a sleep sack, pajamas or a swaddled blanket to keep baby warm in the crib.

Don’t swaddle the baby or use a sleep sack in an adult bed — your baby needs to be able to kick off any bedding that might fall on her face accidentally.
Keep pillows and blankets away from your baby’s face if your baby comes into the adult bed.

Always respond to baby’s cries, and don’t try to keep baby on a feeding schedule or make her cry herself to sleep for at least the first six months (if ever). If you’re trying to establish breastfeeding, you can’t feed too often but you can feed too little. For the first week, your baby should nurse at least every 4 hours (if not more often), day and night. After the first week, though, don’t wake her up to feed if she sleeps more than four hours overnight.

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White noise for baby sleeping

 Should my baby sleep with white noise?
In short, yes. And in answer to your "really?"... did you think I'd change my answer so quickly?  ;)

Babies have just come from an incredibly loud womb. As in as loud as busy city traffic! They are used to loud. And if you know anything about babies, you know they like what they are used to. If you want to set your baby up for the best sleep possible, use white noise.

Why I love white noise

- It's cheap, super effective and easy!
- It helps to calm and de-stress baby, even those are are especially fussy or those with colic (see Happiest Baby on the Block 5 S's).
- It's been proven to help your baby go to sleep and stay asleep longer. It helps block distracting outside noise that could potential wake baby and it helps baby more easily make it through those sometimes frustrating sleep transitions.
- If you're sleeping in the same room as baby, you'll probably sleep better too! It'll help drown out baby's loud noises so you stop waking to every little sound he makes (it is the only thing that gave me any sleep with my first child who, I swear, was as loud as a pack of animals when he slept).  More importantly, if you stop waking to every little sleep sound, you'll also stop trying to feed or comfort baby with every little noise he makes which can lead him to wake more frequently than he needs to. Plus, many of you will notice, even if you've never slept with it before, that white noise is really soothing for you too (ever notice that you are suddenly able to fall asleep when the ac/heat kicks in?). You'll probably miss it when baby moves out of your room and takes it with him!
- It's considerate of baby. Would you want your sleep disrupted by noise all the time? Even if they sleep through it (which they probably won't unless they're super young or way overtired), their sleep is likely disrupted at times by it. Plus, pretty much every baby thinks that playing with mom, dad or siblings is a heck of a lot more fun than sleeping. So why shove it in their face that you are having the time of your life without them while they sleep. If they can hear you, you can bet that is what they're thinking.
- It's a good substitute for when your about to pass out from too much shushing during those fussy evening witching hours.

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Baby tips for new moms

My sister-in-law sent me a list of helpful baby tips, that I thought would be helpful for other first time momma's out there.  I've added a few of my own to the list, and hope to keep adding useful tips that we come across as we go along.  Please feel free to comment and add other tips!
Baby Tips

*NEWLY ADDED* When you are newly pregnant, go ahead and get some yoga pants (maternity or regular).  They are much more comfortable than maternity jeans / maternity dress pants.  What's also great is you can wear them AFTER you give birth, and while you are tired and adjusting to your new life, you'll want to be as comfortable as possible! I got 2 pairs, 1 black and 1 grey.  I've worn them both as dress pants, and no one ever knew.  Try Target or Old Navy!
Double sheet the crib, with a waterproof pad in between the 2 sheets.  If the baby makes a mess in the middle of the night, you can just remove the top sheet and waterproof pad off without having to remake the bed.

Remove tags and wash all the baby clothes before baby comes.  You won’t have time once the baby is here!  This also applies to burp cloths, blankets, stuffed animals, etc.  Our dryer has a steam sanitize setting that I've been using for the stuffed animals.

Get your breast pump, put it together and learn how it works…before the baby comes.  You’ll want to be ready the first time you need it.  **Make sure you have the right size breast shields or pumping will hurt and be leaky. If you have the right size, your nipple should fill up most of the tube opening of the breast shield.

Put everything together – bouncer, swing, pack and play, stroller, highchair, etc.  Even if you fold it back up to put away.  The last thing you want to be doing when baby gets here is assemble things and figure out how to use them!

If you have a smart phone, get a breastfeeding app!  iBaby Feed ($1.99) on the iPhone is awesome!  But there are freebies out there.  The apps can track how often you’re feeding, how long between feeds, which side you need to start on, gives you logs to show the pediatrician.

Get lanolin and at least 2 pairs of Soothies nipple pads.  You can find Soothies in the store, but they are sold out a lot of the time and when in stock, there is only one!  When you need them, you won’t want to go to a store, and talk about a major bummer if they are sold out.  You will NEED them.

Fill out all of the pediatrician forms, as much as you can, before the baby comes.  That way, the first visit, you just fill in the birth date and name instead of filling out pages of forms.

If you have any pets, take them to the vet before you have the baby.  Explain to your vet that you are having a baby and you’d like to take care of everything needed for the next 6 months or so.  Just one less thing to worry about!

Sleeping topless at night, applying lanolin before going to bed and after night feedings, can help your nipples heal.

When choosing a car seat, choose one that you can purchase an extra base.  So both you and dad can have a base already installed in each of your cars.  Much easier than moving the base every time you take a different vehicle.

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