Should my baby sleep with white noise?
In short, yes. And in answer to your "really?"... did you think I'd change my answer so quickly? ;)
Babies have just come from an incredibly loud womb. As in as loud as busy city traffic! They are used to loud. And if you know anything about babies, you know they like what they are used to. If you want to set your baby up for the best sleep possible, use white noise.
Why I love white noise
- It's cheap, super effective and easy!
- It helps to calm and de-stress baby, even those are are especially fussy or those with colic (see Happiest Baby on the Block 5 S's).
- It's been proven to help your baby go to sleep and stay asleep longer. It helps block distracting outside noise that could potential wake baby and it helps baby more easily make it through those sometimes frustrating sleep transitions.
- If you're sleeping in the same room as baby, you'll probably sleep better too! It'll help drown out baby's loud noises so you stop waking to every little sound he makes (it is the only thing that gave me any sleep with my first child who, I swear, was as loud as a pack of animals when he slept). More importantly, if you stop waking to every little sleep sound, you'll also stop trying to feed or comfort baby with every little noise he makes which can lead him to wake more frequently than he needs to. Plus, many of you will notice, even if you've never slept with it before, that white noise is really soothing for you too (ever notice that you are suddenly able to fall asleep when the ac/heat kicks in?). You'll probably miss it when baby moves out of your room and takes it with him!
- It's considerate of baby. Would you want your sleep disrupted by noise all the time? Even if they sleep through it (which they probably won't unless they're super young or way overtired), their sleep is likely disrupted at times by it. Plus, pretty much every baby thinks that playing with mom, dad or siblings is a heck of a lot more fun than sleeping. So why shove it in their face that you are having the time of your life without them while they sleep. If they can hear you, you can bet that is what they're thinking.
- It's a good substitute for when your about to pass out from too much shushing during those fussy evening witching hours.
Read whole article here:
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