Thursday, January 3, 2013

Why is your baby crying?

Waaaaaaaaah! A scream pierces the quiet in the house. Is it something urgent? Or can you finish doing the dishes before you wander in to check on the baby, who maybe will calm himself down in the meantime?

That’s what every new parent asks him or herself when an infant cries. There’s some perfect balance between teaching baby to self soothe and ignoring his needs, between responding when baby needs you and overreacting to every little noise. Finding that balance, now, is a lot harder than it would seem.

Experienced moms always claim they can tell the difference between different types of baby cries. But when I was a new mom, I found I had no idea how to tell one from the other. The slightest cry would send me into a panic: SHE NEEDS ME! Well, maybe. Or maybe not. If I’d been able to tell when she really did, things would have been a lot more serene.

And so, with the help of baby expert Amy Spangler, president of, we asked how, exactly an infant’s cries differ from each other. She says the question’s a bit of a red herring (“watch for cues, not for cries; crying is a late signal for many forms of baby distress”) but that some cries are pretty distinct. Here’s her take on what your baby is saying with her cries.

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