2. The Peri bottle -you know, that plastic squirt bottle that always dispenses freezing cold water on your hooha? I would faithfully fill it with hot water after each bathroom trip so it would be ready for my next visit. And it would faithfully turn ice cold by the time I needed it. Brrrrrrrrrrrr!
3. Your period - With my first two kiddos, my period didn’t return for eight months. Since I’m breastfeeding, I assumed the same would be true this time. I had forgotten that Mother Nature sometimes sees fit to bless us early. Like at 4 weeks. And then again at 6 weeks. Yep — I’ve had a period twice already and my kid isn’t even two months old. Awesome.
4. Idle time while nursing - Shoot, I forgot how much time I would spend sitting on the couch/bed/chair doing absolutely nothing. Nothing and more nothing. I’m actually kind of enjoying this part of it — with two other kiddos quiet time is rare (and I’ve blown through about 15 books on my Kindle!)
5. The hissing breast pump - I swear my electric breast pump talks to me — more like hisses at me — while I’m pumping. It whispers all sorts of strange things that make no sense, making me feel like I’m hallucinating at all hours of the day and night.
6. The black line - the linea nigra as it’s technically known, but it sure is ugly. Not that my stomach has returned to a normal size, the blackness has really contracted and the line is dark. I don’t mind it, but I’d forgotten how unattractive it is!
7. Sleep - This seems ridiculous since everyone knows new moms are sleep deprived, but I had truly forgotten the extent to which I’d be completely exhausted. Meaning I can fall asleep within two seconds of hitting a pillow. Or a sweatshirt. Or a hard piece of concrete. I choose sleep over every other activity, including eating, which is a first for me.
Read details here : http://blogs.babycenter.com/mom_stories/7-postpartum-things-i-totally-forgot-about/
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